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Facilities Layout, Design and Planning

Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way



The basis of any facility design is rooted in the principles of lean manufacturing. Our business consulting experts develop preliminary design and specifications for manufacturing facilities. After establishing basic requirements, we design a specific building configuration and prepare a preliminary scope of work. We identify all aspects of the building, including lighting, floor loads, clearances, entrances, flow patterns, process gas and raw material requirements and environmental requirements.

Based on the facility’s plans, space programming analysis and required operational flexibility, we develop a schematic concept design to properly define the project at hand.

The process flow drawings delineate all production and warehousing equipment. Workflow is determined by utilizing lean manufacturing and operational flexibility principals. A high level process flow map is developed for each product family, outlining future efficiencies.


By understanding and considering a client’s future objectives, we can evaluate whether  a cost reduction, an increased capacity or an improved quality is a priority. We design facilities to make our clients more competitive and successful. Lean and Six Sigma methodologies are used in facilities design and planning. For example, balanced production is used to improve productivity by providing optimal balance through various manufacturing areas. Value Stream Mapping is performed with a flow chart identifying value and non-value added activities within an operation. Production lead times are carefully calculated. Changeover cases are carefully evaluated for adapting processes to convert a production line from one product to another. Line capacity is analyzed to plan production line capacity for increased volume and on-time delivery. Production Control and Communication Systems are used to notify management, maintenance and workers of a process or quality related problem. Such systems help to assure efficient and reliable production flow. Data warehouse implementations ensure improved inventory processes. Constant daily output and leveled production provides systemically controlled productivity and a steady production flow to improve on-time delivery and efficiency. Inventory Management and Kanban Systems are used to control the logistics of the inventory.

Other important considerations in factory layout include energy savings. A properly conducted energy audit can provide the data needed to fully understand where energy goes and identify specific savings opportunities in a facility.  Some potential energy savings opportunities, such as adding insulation or installing office occupancy sensors, come with an added bonus of local, state, and/or federal tax incentives. We are committed to providing clients valuable information for reducing energy consumption and can tailor an audit to meet specific needs and/or budget from the most basic feasibility study to a detailed energy savings analysis, through recommendations and implementation.



The building schematic design is based on the manufacturing goals and requirements of the facility, and includes comprehensive plans, designs and specifications. The manufacturing processes, needs and requirements are then transmitted to various field specialists such as the design architect, structural engineer, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, etc. For the building schematic design we consider all design details such as material handling requirements, raw material storage, Work in Process (WIP) storage requirements, production equipment structural, electrical and mechanical requirements, code considerations, building components and systems design…etc. We consider space planning principles and processes to integrate maximum efficiency and functionality. Adjacency studies are used to promote effective collaboration amongst the work space.


Our complete and thorough assessment of your company’s capabilities and limitations are reviewed in detail to develop a value added, high-impact plan to elevate operations within your industry. By correctly understanding your business and needs, and your input, we can significantly raise your profit margins while your customers can benefit from substantial productivity, functionality and an overall increase in quality.


The production and logistics equipment layout depicts all production and warehousing equipment such as machining centers, lathes, racking, which helps define building size, process flow and operational flexibility. Sometimes clients know exactly what changes need to be made in their manufacturing or distribution facilities, but need assistance in specifying equipment and drawing the solution. Working with the latest CAD 3-D software, AGS-Engineering design consultants not only design efficient systems, but also understand the technical components going into them. This allows our industrial engineers to produce an optimal material handling system layout for your business goals.

Facilities design and layout in the material handling industry affects the productivity, profitability, and adaptability of your company for years. Engage our experts in material handling system design when planning your facility layout. Production equipment can be chosen according to needs, space limitations, future expansion plans….etc. Sometimes equipment in modular forms can be considered and selected or equipment can be installed in such configurations that make the impossible to become possible. We can help you in all phases of your project.


We focus on the client's built environment during the occupancy, operations and asset management phases of a facility's life cycle. Regardless of size and complexity of the project and the facility, AGS-Engineering can provide total facility management solutions that require less time and resources to manage a company’s facility assets, allowing more time and resources to focus on other parts of the business.


Plants and manufacturing infrastructure are in a predictable state of deterioration. Over time, manufacturing equipment requires additional maintenance. As components, equipment and supporting infrastructure approach the end of expected lifecycles, decisions must be made regarding when to repair or replace physical assets. We can assist and guide you in the development of long-range capital plans that identify a facility's highest priority capital renewal and investment needs. Services offered range from comprehensive facility audits to a particular project development.


AGS-Engineering provides services that assist clients with decision making to support their capital planning processes.

FULL SERVICE EPC (Engineering & Procurement & Construction)

We provide full-service EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) solutions, integrated engineering, procurement and construction services to technically demanding firms. Our strength is mainly in production and manufacturing facilities, factories, casting plants, molding factories, extrusion plants, machine shops, metal manufacturing and fabrication facilities, assembly plants, microelectronic and electronic assembly and testing plants, chemical processing facilities, semiconductor processing and testing facilities, optical manufacturing and testing plants, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, laboratories of various kinds for research and development for biotechnology, medical research, electronics, optics and semiconductors.



The following are some of the industries we are most competent in facilities design and planning:

  • Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication

  • Automotive and Transportation Industry

  • Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing and Processing

  • Microelectronics, Semiconductors, Electronics Manufacturing

  • Optical Manufacturing

  • Chemical Industry

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

  • Aviation Industry & Space Research

  • Life Sciences, Heath Care, Medical Industry

  • Power Generation, Renewable Energy Generation Facilities

  • Recycling and Environmental Protection

  • Research and Development Labs


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