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New Materials Design & Development
The tailoring of new materials can bring endless opportunities
Material innovations have influenced the progress of virtually every industry, advanced society and created opportunities for products and processes to improve quality of life and drive economic development. Recent trends in the high-tech industry are pushing toward miniaturization, the creation of products with complex shapes, and multi-functional materials. These trends have resulted in developments and advancements in production, processing and performance qualification techniques. AGS-Engineering assists its clients by combining the required competencies to enable and enhance the development of complex, reliable and cost-effective products.
Areas of particular focus for us are:
Innovation in materials for energy, electronics, health care, defense, environmental protection, sports and infrastructure
Innovation and development of novel manufacturing techniques
Materials chemistry, physics and engineering
Molecular and multi-scale design of efficient materials
Nanoscience and nanoengineering
Solid-state materials
In new materials design and development, we apply our extensive expertise in relevant high growth and value added fields such as:
Thin-film design, development and deposition
Responsive material and coating technologies
Advanced materials for integrated products
Equipment & materials for additive manufacturing
In particular, we have specialists in:
Metal Alloys
Biodegradable materials
Polymers & Elastomers
Organic Materials
Ceramics & Glass
Our experience covers bulk, powder and thin film forms of these materials. Our work in the area of thin films is summarized in more detail under the menu “Surface Chemistry & Thin Films & Coatings”.
We use advanced subject specific software products to make calculations which predict or assist in the understanding of complex materials, such as multicomponent alloys and non-metallic systems, as well as processes of industrial and scientific relevance. For example, Thermo-Calc software enables us to carry out thermodynamic calculations. It is widely used for a variety of calculations including calculation of thermochemical data such as enthalpies, heat capacity, activities, stable and meta-stable heterogeneous phase equilibria, transformation temperatures, such as liquidus and solidus, driving force for phase transformations, phase diagrams, amounts of phases and their compositions, thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions. On the other hand, the Diffusion Module (DICTRA) Software allows us accurate simulation of diffusion controlled reactions in multi-component alloy systems, which is based on numerical solution of the multi-component diffusion equations. Examples of cases that have been simulated using the DICTRA module include microsegregation during solidification, homogenization of alloys, growth/dissolution of carbides, coarsening of precipitate phases, inter-diffusion in compounds, austenite to ferrite transformations in steel, carburization, nitriding and carbonitriding of high-temperature alloys and steels, post weld heat treatment, sintering of cemented-carbides. Yet another, software module the Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA) treats concurrent nucleation, growth, dissolution and coarsening under arbitrary heat treatment conditions in multi-component and multi-phase systems, temporal evolution of particle size distribution, average particle radius and number density, volume fraction and composition of precipitates, nucleation rate and coarsening rate, time-temperature-precipitation (TTP) diagrams. In new materials design and development work, besides commercial off-shelf engineering software, our engineers also use in-house developed application programs of unique nature and capabilities.